Untitle IV
A 6 2
K Q 9 8 2
7 6 5
J 2
K Q J 10 8
10 6 5 4
A 10 5
5 4
A 7 3
K J 10 9 4
8 6 3
9 7 3
A 8 3 2
K Q 9 7 4
If East/West declare notrump, the defense starts with
a heart. If East ducks the heart, North/South set up
four clubs, and have a heart, a spade, a diamond and four
clubs. So East must win.
Attacking diamonds is useless, because East has no entry -
South just wins the first diamond and sets up clubs.
So East must attack spades. North wins the first spade,
takes a high heart, then attacks clubs.
West can win and take four spades, but those are his last
tricks. North/South get a spade, a heart, a diamond and
four clubs.
If North/South declare notrump, the defense is much
the same, with the suits reversed - East/West attack
diamonds, and South must win, or East/West shift to
spades, setting up four spade tricks, plus a trick in
each suit.
If South attacks clubs, West wins the second, then shifts
to the
♠ K. If North ducks, West leads
a heart to East's ace and East takes four diamonds for
a total of seven tricks. So North must win the spade, but
now is stuck with no entry to the good clubs, and the heart
suit un-established.
So, after winning the first trick, South could lead only
one club, then shift to hearts. East wins, cashes
one diamond (West pitching a club) and exits a spade:
If North ducks or wins, it doesn't matter, he has only
two heart tricks along with his earlier diamond ace
and club.
If North/South declare spades, East/West start with
spades until North wins. The best North can do is win
the second spade.