Two en passant Coups
A K Q 5
K 2
Q 10 8 7
6 4 3
J 8 7 2
10 9 7
K 5
A K Q 9
9 6 4
Q 8 4
A J 6 3
10 7 2
10 3
A J 6 5 3
9 4 2
J 8 5
Notrump, Hearts, and Clubs
Any heart, club or notrump contract fails easily, with simple promotions necessary in some of the suit contracts.
If East/West declare spades, the defense starts with
three spades, then three hearts. The fourth heart is led at this position:
♠ 5 scores
en passant.
If North/South declare spades, East/West start with three clubs and three
diamonds, West pitching a heart. On the fourth diamond, West overruffs
South for the seventh trick.
If North/South declare diamonds, East/West start with three diamonds, then
three clubs. West's
♣ 9 is led at this position:
East scores the
♦ 6 "en passant" again.
If East/West declare diamonds, the defense starts with three hearts, then
three spades. When North leads his
♠ 5 at this position:
East must ruff with the
♦ J to prevent South from scoring the
♦ 9, and that promotes a second diamond trick in the North hand.
Post mortem
The en passant coup is a minimalist trump promotion - where
our side has only one trump and it is not a natural winner.