Top Tricks
10 7 2
8 6 5 4 3
A J 9 3
A K Q 9 3
10 9 8 4
10 8 6
8 4
A K J 10
6 5 3 2
Q 7 5
J 6 5
9 7 2
A K Q 7
K 4 2
East/West have a running nine tricks, while North/South have eight.
How eight? North wins the
♦ J, then leads the
♣ J, forcing East to cover. South then runs his diamonds and
finesses in clubs against West's
♣ 10.
In fact, North/South have the first seven tricks off the top in any contract,
since East/West are forced to follow to three clubs and four diamonds. In
every contract, they can manufacture an eight tricks as well, as we'll see.
If East/West declare spades, North/South takes their seven tricks, then
North plays a fourth round of clubs, promoting an eighth trick in trumps
when South ruffs with the
♠ J.
If North/South declare spades, West just pull trumps and takes the four heart
tricks, for nine defensive tricks.
If East/West declare hearts, North/South again take the top seven tricks, North
pitching three spades on diamonds. At trick eight, North exits
passively with a heart. East/West never score a spade, because North's long
trump keeps East from pulling all of them, and when North gets in, he leads
his last club, promoting another trump for himself. East/West are left with
the four trump tricks he started with.
If North/South are on lead, they can take four diamonds
and four clubs, for eight tricks.
If East/West are on lead, they take six top tricks and lead a fourth round of
hearts, South forced to ruff. Now East/West get two natural trump tricks,
for eight tricks. (West sheds clubs on East's hearts, so if South doesn't
ruff the fourth heart, East just gives his partner a club ruff.)
As usual, North/South take the first eight tricks.
But if East/West are on lead, they take the first six tricks and promote
a seventh by leading a fourth round of hearts.
Post Mortem
East/West can't make more than five tricks declaring any contract here.
In hearts or notrumps, only four.
North/South can make as many as six tricks only in clubs and hearts.
The play of leading the club jack from A-J-9-x opposite
K-x-x is called a "backward finesse," if done by declarer,
or a "surrounding play" if done by the defense. Peculiar that the
terminology would be so different.