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Inline Auctions

Simple Auction

<auction type="inline">
    <call code="P"/> 
       <call code="1S"/> 
       <call code="2H"/>  
       <call code="3C"/>

    <call code="4D"/> 
       <call code="X"/> 
       <call code="XX"/> 
       <call code="4N"/>

    <call code="P"/> 
       <call code="P"/> 
       <call code="P"/>
XSL Output:
P - 1 - 2 - 3 ; 4 - X - XX - 4 NT
Notice that the XSL has dropped the last three passes from the auction, but included the pass at the start of the auction. Dropping the last three passes matches Pavlicek's recommendations for inline auctions.

Inline with a comment

<p>At the other table, the auction was:
<auction type="inline">
<call code="P"/>
<call code="1N" comment="?"/>
<call code="P"/>
<call code="P"/>
<call code="P"/>
West's <call code="1N"/> was a bit off-shape.
XSL Output:
At the other table, the auction was: P - 1 NT?. West's 1 NT was a bit off-shape.
A comment can be added to a call. Comments should be restricted to "!" or "?".

Inline comment in last three passes

<p>At the other table, the auction was
<auction type="inline">
<call code="P"/>
<call code="1N"/>
<call code="P"/>
<call code="P" comment="?"/>
<call code="P"/>
</auction>.  East was not able to explain
his pass.
XSL Output:
At the other table, the auction was P - 1 NT - P - P?; P. East was not able to explain his pass.
A comment on one of the last three passes should cause the last three calls to be show.

Simple Auction Hiding A Pass

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="E">
    <call code="1H"/>
    <call code="2C"/>
    <call code="2H"/>
    <call code="P"/> 

    <call code="4H"/>
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
1 (2 ) 2 ; 4
The optional hands attribute can be either "EW" or "NS", which indicates that we want an abbreviated auction concentrating on the named pair. Non-passes by the other side are included inside parenthesis, but passes by the other side are ignored (except when the first call in the auction to remind the reader of which side dealt.) If you use the hands attribute, you need to include the dealer, as well.

Uncontested auction

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="E">
    <call code="1H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="2H"/> <call code="P"/>
    <call code="4H"/><call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
1 2 ; 4
A simple inline uncontested auction.

Uncontested auction - one pass start

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="N">
    <call code="P"/> <call code="1H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="2H"/>
    <call code="P"/> <call code="4H"/><call code="P"/> <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
(P) 1 2 ; 4
This was an aesthetic decision - to show the initial pass by the opponent or not? I chose to show it, because it reminds the reader who the dealer is.

Uncontested auction - starting with two passes

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="W">
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/> <call code="1H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="2H"/>
    <call code="P"/> <call code="4H"/><call code="P"/> <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
P 1 ; 2 4

Uncontested auction - starting with three passes

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="S">
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="P"/>
    <call code="1H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="2H"/> <call code="P"/> 
    <call code="4H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
(P) P 1 ; 2 4

Contested Auction - starting with one pass

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="N">
    <call code="P"/> <call code="1H"/> <call code="2C"/> <call code="2H"/>
    <call code="P"/> <call code="4H"/><call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> 
    <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
(P) 1 (2 ) 2 ; 4

Contested auction - starting with two passes

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="W">
    <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="1H"/> <call code="2C"/>
    <call code="2H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="4H"/> <call code="P"/> 
    <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
P 1 (2 ); 2 4

Contested auction - starting with three passes

<auction type="inline" hands="EW" dealer="S">
    <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="1H"/> 
    <call code="2C"/> <call code="2H"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="4H"/>
    <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> <call code="P"/> 
XSL Output:
(P) P 1 ; (2 ) 2 4
<< Inline Hands
Thomas Andrews (bridge@thomasoandrews.com), © 2002-2009.
Suit Symbols >>
Article formatted with BridgeML.