<< Cards and Holdings XML Bridge Tests Inline Auctions >>

Inline Hands


<p> If I put a hand in a paragraph like this,
<hand sp="A8765432" he="QT9" di="" cl="KJ"/>,
it takes an inline format.
XSL Output:
If I put a hand in a paragraph like this, A-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 Q-10-9 K-J, it takes an inline format.
Notice that the hand is formatted with hyphens between the cards - this is Richard Pavlicek's recommendation. I've allowed line breaks in the middle of the hand, since hands tend to be long, but the line breaks must be between suits.
<< Cards and Holdings
Thomas Andrews (bridge@thomasoandrews.com), © 2002-2009.
Inline Auctions >>
Article formatted with BridgeML.